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Shifu Introduction
CNCF livestream with hands-on demo

Why Shifu

Fast Device Integration

From robots to thermometers

From proprietary to standard protocols

Shifu's high compatibility design makes it easy to cope with all heterogeneous devices

Modularized Deployment

Devices and applications integrated into Shifu will be packaged into lego-like modules

You can conjure up a unique substrate 100% suitable for your scenario out of these modules

Efficient Application Development

Capabilities of the device integrated into Shifu will be abstracted as APIs

Completely decoupling your application from the hardware

Cloud-Native Eco-system

A unified cloud-native framework for agile development and operations

Endowing IoT platforms with ultra-high stability and security through K8s

Well Trusted by Industry Leaders

Shifu brings mobile-app-development-experience to the IoT world!

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Sunnyvale, CA